Tuesday, May 17, 2016

G.C.E. (O/L) and G.C.E. (A/L) Exam Timetables for 2016

Download G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2016

Download G.C.E. (A/L) Examination 2016The timetable for key examinations to be held during 2016 was announced by the Examinations Department today. Accordingly the GCE Advanced Level Examination will be held from August 2 to  27, the Grade 5 Scholarship examination on August 21 and the GCE Ordinary Level Examination from December 6 to 27.

Department of Examinations , Sri Lanka 
General Certificate of Education.

(Advanced Level) Examination - August 2016 
TENTATIVE TIME TABLE MORNING SESSION AFTERNOON SESSION 1 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1430 10 Combined Mathematics I 09 Biology I 0830 - 1030 21 Economics I 78 Arabic I 79 Malay I 2 0830 - 1030 1230 - 1530 52 Dancing (Indigenous) I 09 Biology II 53 54 Dancing (Bharatha) I Oriental Music I 21 79 Economics II Malay II 55 Carnatic Music I 56 Western Music I 0830 - 1130 51 Art I 3 0830 - 1030 1230 - 1430 65 Engineering Technology I 08 Agricultural Science I 66 Biosystems Technology I 48 Greek and Roman Civilization I 0830 - 1130 83 Russian I 10 Combined Mathematics II 52 Dancing (Indigenous) II 53 Dancing (Bharatha) II 78 Arabic II 4 0830 - 1030 1400 - 1700 32 Business Studies I 51 Art II 82 German I 54 Oriental Music II 86 Chinese I 55 Carnatic Music II 56 Western Music II 5 0830 - 1030 1230 – 1530 01 Physics I 65 Engineering Technology II 0830 - 1130 66 Biosystems Technology II 32 Business Studies II 71 Sinhala I 82 German II 72 Tamil I 6 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1430 08 Agricultural Science II 28 Home Economics I 48 Greek & Rome Civilization II 83 Russian II 86 Chinese II 7 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1530 01 Physics II 71 Sinhala II 51 Art III 72 Tamil II 8 0830 - 1030 1230 - 1530 24 Logic & Scientific Method I 28 Home Economics II 9 0830 - 1030 1230 - 1530 02 Chemistry I 24 Logic & Scientific Method II 67 Science for Technology I 75 Sanskrit I 81 French I 10 0830 - 1030 1400 – 1700 14 15 16 17 18 19 74 Civil Technology I Mechanical Technology I Electrical, Electronic & Information Technology I Food Technology I Agro Technology I Bio-Resource Technology I Pali I 25A 25B 25C History II (Indian) History II (European) History of the Modern World II 11 0830 - 1130 1230 – 1430 02 Chemistry II 23 Political Science I 67 Science for Technology II 75 Sanskrit II 81 French II MORNING SESSION AFTERNOON SESSION 12 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1500 13 General English I 13 General English II 13 0830 - 1030 1230 - 1430 41 Buddhism I 29 Communication & Media Studies I 42 Hinduism I 43 Christianity I 44 Islam I 45 46 47 49 Buddhist Civilization I Hindu Civilization I Islam Civilization I Christian Civilization I 14 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1530 73 English I 25 History of Sri Lanka I 15 0830 - 1130 1400 - 1600 14 15 16 17 18 19 74 Civil Technology II Mechanical Technology II Electrical, Electronic & Information Technology II Food Technology II Agro Technology II Bio-Resource Technology II Pali II 22 Geography I 16 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1530 23 Political Science II 73 English II 17 0830 – 1030 1230 - 1530 33 84 Accounting I Hindi I 22 Geography II 18 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1530 41 Buddhism II 29 Communication & Media Studies II 42 Hinduism II 43 Christianity II 44 Islam II 45 46 47 Buddhist Civilization II Hindu Civilization II Islam Civilization II 49 Christian Civilization II 19 0830 -1130 1230 - 1430 33 Accounting II 20 Information & Communications Technology I 84 Hindi II 20 0830 - 1030 1230 - 1530 31 Business Statistics I 07 Mathematics I 11 Higher Mathematics I 0830 - 1130 1230 - 1430 57 Drama & Theatre (Sinhala ) I 87 Japanese I 58 Drama & Theatre (Tamil) I 59 Drama & Theatre (English) I 21 0830 - 1130 1400 - 1700 31 Business Statistics II 07 Mathematics II 57 Drama & Theatre (Sinhala ) II 11 Higher Mathematics II 58 Drama & Theatre (Tamil) II 87 Japanese II 59 Drama & Theatre (English) II 22 0830 - 1100 1230 - 1530 12 Common General Test 20 Information & Communication Technology II Note: Use of mobile phones, calculators and correcting fluid for any subject in this Examination is not allowed, and therefore, it is an offence even to bring them into the Examination Hall . My No. : 6/3/AL/2016 W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara School Examinations Organization Branch COMMISSIONER GENERAL OF EXAMINATIONS Department of Examinations Pelawatta, Battaramulla. 2016.02.01 H:\U . A\6.3\2014\AL NO Syllabus Application 2016.docx

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