Tuesday, July 7, 2015

eDoctor - The most popular medical app in Sri Lanka

eDoctor - An app for all your health care needs The contribution of eDoctor to healthcare has been a boon to the public of Sri Lanka. The latest service on offer is the “eDoctor app”. The eDoctor app can be downloaded onto any smart phone. However, only registered members of www.edoctor.lk are able to enjoy its full service. It enables quick access and editing of one’s health records. An important feature of this app is the ability to ‘Call’, ‘Chat’, or ‘Email’ a doctor at your convenience. The service is available in English. Any relevant documents can be attached via an email to aid in your conversation. All your conversation histories will be saved and can be viewed at any time.eDoctor - An app for all your health care needs
The contribution of eDoctor to healthcare has been a boon to the public of Sri Lanka. The latest service on offer is the “eDoctor app”.
The eDoctor app can be downloaded onto any smart phone. However, only registered members of www.edoctor.lk are able to enjoy its full service. It enables quick access and editing of one’s health records.
An important feature of this app is the ability to ‘Call’, ‘Chat’, or ‘Email’ a doctor at your convenience. The service is available in English. Any relevant documents can be attached via an email to aid in your conversation. All your conversation histories will be saved and can be viewed at any time.
Your personal details, blood pressure measurements, weight etc are saved and displayed clearly. Your current medications, latest prescription etc can be uploaded.
The app stores details of all your previous hospitalizations, surgeries and allergies. The relevant diagnosis cards, prescriptions etc can be included. Any other investigation reports can also be uploaded.
For vaccination of children, just upload the vaccination reports and the schedule and the app will give you reminders for the next shot. Adults will also benefit by keeping an updated record of their vaccinations when awaiting a medical for foreign travel.
For each visit to a GP or a specialist, the prescription etc can all be uploaded for future reference.
For females the Pregnancy tab is available. All records of pregnancy can be uploaded for later use. Any contraceptive methods the user is on may also be added.
As always, edoctor has come up with a ground-breaking idea to help the public in their health concerns.

eDoctor - screenshot eDoctor - screenshot

eDoctor - screenshot

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