Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP)

The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP), Ministry of Health, spearheads the national response to HIV/AIDS in Sri Lanka. NSACP is the focal point for planning and implementation of HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan and AIDS Policy together with all stakeholders. The headquarters of the NSACP is situated at 29, De Saram Place Colombo 10, Sri Lanka and it networks with 29 full-time STD clinics and 23 branch STD clinics (as of end 2013).

Objectives Of National STD/AIDS Control Programme

  1. Prevention of transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including HIV.
  2. Provision of care and support for those infected and affected with STIs including HIV.
The main components of the NSACP are; targeted interventions for prevention of STI/HIV among the key populations and general population including youth and women, provision of treatment, care and support for those infected and affected with HIV, comprehensive care for STIs, provision of laboratory services, creating awareness and behaviour change communication, counseling and testing for HIV, prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, surveillance, research, monitoring and evaluation of STI and HIV services.

HIV/AIDS Surveillance Data in Sri Lanka National STD/AIDS Control programme, Department of Health Service HIV/AIDS ESTIMATES FOR SRI LANKA as of end 2013 Click here 
National STD/AIDS Control programme, Department of Health Service HIV/AIDS ESTIMATES FOR SRI LANKA as of end 2013  PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS  - ADULTS (>15 years) - 3000 (range 2000 -5000) - CHILDREN (<15 years) - 75  DEATHS in 2012 - 181  ADULT PREVALENCE (>15 YEARS) - <0.1%

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