Monday, November 3, 2014

ABC Banner Rotate Advertise FREE

how to create banner rotation
Would you like to create a local banner network for your site to inform your customers and visitors about upcoming events? Surfing the Internet for an elegant banner solution? Tired of inserting dozens of lines into your html code?

If your answer for any of these questions is YES, we're glad to offer you our new product ABC Advertise. ABC Advertise is the perfect tool for banners publishing.

All you need is to insert one line into your HTML source and a powerful tool is working for you. 

ABC Advertise supports .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .htm, .html, .txt, .swf file types.

Upload unlimited number of images, text and .HTML files for your banners, insert links. Modify banners as you wish. Advertise new products, tell about sales, draw visitors' attention to the discounts on your site. -- That's possible with the ABC Advertise!
ABC Advertise features include:
uploading new banners
managing output mode (randomly or consistently)
maintaining banners(modifying pictures' size, correcting HTML and TXT files, inserting links and alternate notes)
With ABC Advertise on each and every visit your site looks new and attractive.

Here how to create banner rotation for your website.

First, create a file with a name like adverts.php and have this at the top:
    $bannerCounter= 1; 
For each of your advertisements, you'll first write out the ad's code, and then increase the banner counter, like this:
    $bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = "put your ad code here";
For the example below, let's do a 3-banner rotation. Note that every " in your ad code needs to be "escaped" with a slash mark in front of the quote mark, like this: \"
    $bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = "<A HREF=\"\">
    <IMG SRC=\"home-banner-468x60.gif\" BORDER=\"0\" HEIGHT=\"60\" WIDTH=\"468\" alt=\"In Association with\"></A>";

    $bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_top\"> <img src=\"\" width=\"468\" height=\"60\" alt=\"Free Satellite TV!\" border=\"0\"></a>";

    $bannerCode[$bannerCounter] = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_top\"> <img src=\"\" width=\"395\" height=\"141\" alt=\"Free Satellite TV!\" border=\"0\"></a>";
Next, we get the total number of ads, and if there are more than one, we'll randomly pick one of them. (If less than one, we automatically pick the first advertisement. This may seem like a stupid feature for a random advert generator, but it could happen if you drop non-performing affiliates or if paid-inclusion ads expire.)
    $bannerAdTotals = $bannerCounter - 1;
       mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1234567);
       $bannerPicked = mt_rand(1, $bannerAdTotals);
       $bannerPicked = 1;
    $bannerAd = $bannerCode[$bannerPicked];
That's the end of the adverts.php file.
Now, your webpage showing the ad first needs to include this script, then show the ad, like this:
    echo "<div align='center'>$bannerAd</div>";
That's all! more >

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