Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sri Lanka Budget 2014

Daily Mirror Online will give live coverage of the budget 2014 reading presented to parliament today

15.19 - Not too sure if TNA was present. It will be interesting to see what the UNP and the JVP have to say on the budget proposals. Signing off for now is the Daily Mirror web team. We hope you enjoyed our coverage.

15.18 - Sittings adjourned to 9.30 am tommorrow

1517- Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa speacks, congratualtes President on being appointed Commonwealth Head

15.14- President ends two hour long speech

15.13- Await Public services Commission reccomendation on increasing salary
15.13 - Cost of Living allowance to be increased by Rs.1200 from January 2014 for state workers.
15.07- Expanding Police training schools and other facilities.
15.06 - Three new Housing complexes to be constructed to ensure Policemen serving in Colombo would have no problem in location.
15.05 - Civil Security in the North and to keep law and order in the country Police service plays a pivotal role.
15.03 - Judges personal allowances to be increased by 8% to keep the proffession viable and attractive.

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