Friday, June 21, 2013

Create your Facebook App to blogger

Create your Facebook App

Now you'll need to create a Facebook Application as you'll need an appID to use in your code. Visit the Apps page on Facebook Developers to do this.

Name your application and fill in the first set of details as follows: 

  • Display Name - The name of your site 
  • Namespace - yournamespace (this will feature in the URL for your app. eg:
  • Contact email - your email address 
  • App Domains - The URL(s) of the blog(s) you will be using this app for (eg: 

Next, click on "Select how your app integrates with Facebook" and fill in details as follows:
  • Website with Facebook Login - Your blog's URL (eg: 
  • Canvas URL - Here you'll need to enter the url you generated for your site, adding a question mark at the end. For example, 
  • Secure Canvas URL - Enter your blog's URL beginning with https (eg: 

If you like, you can add an icon and thumbnail for your application at the top of the page; these will appear when readers use your app. Then save your changes.
Once you've done this, be sure to make a note of your App ID which will be shown at the top of the page as you'll need to add this to the code to be pasted in your site.

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